Sold out! Register for our 2020 tour
October 14 - 30, 2019
Arts, crafts, textiles, and architecture of the Silk Route's ancient hub
17 Days in-depth exploration
Our tour tells the tale of one of humankind’s most important arteries of trade and culture. Skirting deserts, loping over mountains, delving into fabled cities . . . join us as we explore thousands of years in seventeen leisurely days.In this spectacular country, generations of artisans have honed their excellence in arts, crafts, and textiles against the backdrop of vast deserts, mountains, and awe-inspiring architecture.
Ancient cities Khiva, Bukhara, Shahrisabz, Samarkand, and Tashkent
Beautiful Fergana Valley for outstanding ikat, suzani, and ceramics
Buzz of teeming markets in Urgut and Margilan
Isolated, semi-autonomous Karakalpakstan for the astounding Savitsky Collection of modernist Russian art spirited away from the Soviet revolution
Visit award-winning artisans for traditional block printing, ikat weaving, rug making, embroidery, ceramics, and contemporary fashion
Workshops and culinary lessons
Desert fortresses
Wild, windswept, and largely uninhabited landscapes

About your tour leader, Dana Davies
“The heart wants what it wants” and apparently Dana Davies’ heart, unbeknownst to her, wanted Uzbekistan. A life long fascination with fabrics was rewarded on a trip to Turkey where the discovery of suzani embroidery led to textile-focused trips to Central Asia, and a full-fledged obsession with its people, culture, landscape, and legends. Dana is passionate about sharing this extraordinary experience with others and, after a spectacular tour with Shila in Northwest India and Morocco, is thrilled to collaborate with E.Y.H.O. on the Uzbekistan tour in October 2019, and again in March 2020.
Click for photos

Suzani embroidery

A typical meal

Desert fortress

Suzani embroidery